Who inspires you?

The main force lines of the advertising profession have been evolving over time and, nowadays, new approaches, codes, languages, and techniques have appeared giving way to the new professional profiles. Those changes in the professional activity and advertising research have brought new airs into this professional field.

After all, advertising is a form of art and therefore it has its own gurus, a term that defines influential people who have revolutionized this industry. Personalities who have leaded the way to innovation, generated unparalleled impact, and developed new strategies starting from their creative, motivational ideas. Their vast knowledge on the subject have generated new work lines and trends both in the advertising and marketing spheres.

These are some of the most influential advertisers worldwide:

Philip Kotler: One of the best Marketing gurus, Kotler has developed key goals that meet the expectations of the most important agent: the client.

Seth Godin: Guru of modern Marketing and one of the most famous speakers nowadays. Godin developed the philosophy “survival is not enough”, alluding to the necessity of companies of constant adaptation to the media, and always going beyond success. Companies must arise, grow, and always look for new markets.

Martin Fishbein elaborated the theory of reasoned action, where he discloses how human behavior relates to sales activity. According to his theory, purchases must foster emotional responses in consumers.

Paul D. Converse: Father of Marketing, considered crucial to understand the “art or science of marketing”, in order to approach properly both market and target audience.

Steve Jobs: Apple Co-founder, one of the first gurus who pointed out the need of constant innovation and testing in the digital era.

Jef I. Richards: Modern advertising guru. He declared that art and advertising cannot be separated: “Creative without strategy is called ‘art.’ Creative with strategy is called ‘advertising.”

Different definitions, concepts, reflections, and themes that constitute a source of daily inspiration for all kind of projects in the advertising industry.