Privacy and Data Protection Policy

BEON WORLDWIDE S.L. (hereinafter, the Company), in accordance with the current legislation on the Protection of Personal Data, informs users of the Website (hereinafter, the Website) the Privacy and Protection Policy of Data that will be applied in the processing of the personal data that the User voluntarily provides when accessing its website.

The User, by providing the Company with his / her personal data through the electronic forms of the Newsletter website, ‘Work with Us’ and ‘Contact Form’ – through the marking of the corresponding acceptance box, prior to sending the data- gives his /her permission to the Company for processing such data in the terms of the information provided in each clause preceding the collection of data.

The Company informs the Website users of the Website that their personal data can only be obtained for processing when they are appropriate, relevant, and not excessive in relation to the scope and the specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes for which they have been obtained, according to the information provided in each case. Likewise, they will be canceled when they are no longer necessary or pertinent for that purpose or in the event that the owner requests the exercise of his/her right of cancellation.

The Company expresses its commitment to comply with current legislation, at all times, regarding data protection, especially by adopting the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of the personal data contained in them and to avoid their alteration, loss, unauthorized access or processing, taking into account the technology, the nature of the data, and the risks to which they are exposed.

The user will be solely responsible for the veracity of the data provided to the Company.

The Website is endowed with Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol with the aim of guarantee the security in the transmission of data between your server and our Website.

The secure server establishes a connection so that the transmitted information is encrypted, which ensures that it is only intelligible for the user’s device and that of the Website. Thus, using the TLS protocol guarantees:

  • That the user is communicating his/her personal data to the Website server and not to any other.
  • Encrypted transmission of data between user and Website, avoiding its possible reading or manipulation by third parties.

To verify that you are in a secure environment, the Client must check that the verification website address begins with https: //

You can also identify the Website as secure when a lock icon appears in the scroll s bar of your browser.

Finally, you can also verify the presence of the Transport Layer Security certificate by checking the properties of the Website in your browser, and for that purpose you must review the characteristics of that certificate.

Any changes made to the Privacy Policy and the information management practices will be reflected in a timely manner, and the Company may add, modify, or delete the aforementioned privacy policy when deemed necessary.

Nevertheless, the Company will in no case modify the policies or practices to make them less effective in protecting the personal data of our previously stored customers, without the prior consent of the affected customers.


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