“Spots are no longer released on TV prime time, but on Facebook”

Elena Durántez, Advertising Account Supervisor at beon. Communication, tell us how clients are demanding more digital presence, a new scenario in which companies can compete face-to-face, no matter their size or business volume.

Which new advertising industry trends are most demanded by clients?

Most companies have digital presence because their clients are dictating it. Clients are becoming more demanding with respect to the experiences provided, and companies must meet those requirements. The digital media allow us to achieve a segmentation in order to reach our target audience. Besides, this platform allows companies to compete with one another regarding their size or business volume.

Audiovisual contents are gaining more and more strength. Using descriptive images, tutorials, and graphic designs attract users and have proved to be more effective than text formats.

Are you more open for innovation, traditional media or both?

I pursue a balance between both trends. Advertising strategies must complement each other in all the communication channels. We have to bear in mind all the platforms when designing a new plan of diffusion of information, and consequently attaining new ways of reaching a greater audience.

How is the perfect relationship client-agency?

The perfect relation is a complex objective in all life aspects, but honesty always help. I also consider essential to be team-driven to facilitate extra transparency and communication among both parties.
Loyal clients are the best brand ambassadors, and this evidence is something we should always bear in mind.

Which aspects need to be reinforced and highlighted prior to start a new campaign?

The most important thing is getting to know your client: their market positioning, their competitors, their values. As an agency, we have to get immersed in that brand reality, in order to become a first-person narrator. From that moment on, our client will indicate the message to be transmitted, and the objectives to be accomplished.

Could you share some example of advertising campaign you have in mind as a source of inspiration or reference?

An illustration of this global shift in the marketing strategies of this digital era I would name Nike campaigns. Nike has experienced in the last decades a spectacular evolution, from massive traditional media to cutting-edge digital marketing. Nike has replaced huge campaigns with interactive platforms.

Previously, Nike could reach around 200 million audience a day in the Super Bowl. Internet provides that number any time, just by launching an activation. And all thanks to internet. Spots are no longer released during TV primer time, but launched Facebook.