Face-to-face, a ‘must it’ in Communication agencies

Evolution, specialization, segmentation… Technology has clearly transformed the way humans communicate and relate with each other. In the digital era we are all hyperconnected and the virtual relation agency-client is quite usual but, how are exactly those relationships? Are they really advantageous? Will these interrelations last?

These are only some of the issues associated with technology. However, in the communication industry, face-to-face relationships bring conversational benefits which transcend technological innovations. It is a fact that human relationships never get old: one-to-one formulas foster personal interconnections, generate synergies, increase mutual trust, bring transparency, and help to build strong, relevant liaisons. Thus, interaction becomes the centerpiece of every the relationship: a basic, human need where face-to-face contact gains momentum, elevating people over anything else.

If in our daily work we exclusively focus on virtual tools, no matter how useful they could be, human interaction is gradually lost. So, what it the best moment to use one communication channel or other? Basically, this decision will depend on each brand’s strategy. In this sense, DirCom has a key role in the growing hyper-segmentation and hyper-personalization, becoming a ‘complexity strategist’ or effective response to the complexity and uncertainty faced by organizations.

According to Meeting Professionals, 40% of prospective customers become loyal after a face-to-face meeting. This is why personal relationships have shifted from being programmed meetings to be part of the marketing and communication strategy.

Other researchers highlight that 82% of executives favor personal meetings over any other type when it comes to important decision-making. This process entails to prepare in advance an elaborated, structured speech so that both brand and agency may be able to evolve together. Technology should never erase the human factor in the contact with the client.

Our strategy must be smart enough to evaluate when the best moment for dialogue is, or when digital channels, webinars, or virtual events are much more efficient in creating synergies and brand positioning.

It is clear that face-to-face conversation is something complex, but this cannot be the excuse to enter the wrong digital spiral: “280 characters to express our thoughts, a quick email to inform of something important, then to complain if things go wrong, a line via Facebook to say hi, an Instagram pic to situate ourselves, or two-minute WhatsApp texting to catch up.”

Using the right proportion of technology is key to communication in an increasingly connected world, where markets demand brands to offer immediate response, real personalization, and efficient services. Thus, professionals must be capable of providing a liquid, flexible ecosystem in all scenarios. be connected!

Luis Gandiaga, beon. Worldwide Corporate General Director