Event equation: destination vs number of attendees

Whenever we face a new challenge there are always two aspects related to logistics essential to event management: the destination and the number of attendees.

Sometimes, the amount of attendees may be a disproportionate large number in relation to the destination in which the event will be hosted. On these occasions, venues, hotels, spaces, or even entire islands are placed at the service of the client, in an exclusive way.

Professionals dealing with the logistics of these events should optimize to the max the management of the surroundings while meeting the participants’ requirements and the petitions of the countries’ delegations.

Small destinations should not be, however, any issue for the account manager, but rather a challenge that opens new roads for creativity, a way to offer new, original options for the event attendees. In fact, this destinations have a lot more to offer than it may seem at a first instance.

Once the event has been briefed, defined, and the objectives are set, planning and production stages begin. Logistics prior to the event is a crucial part, if not the most important. Personnel has to be organized, suppliers contacted, and a productive, smooth communication kept between all participants.

It is important to know that logistics does not only imply lighting, audiovisuals, and the rest of elements, but also other external services such as activities or bookings. Transport services, signage, and security also play a key role within logistics.

In all, creativity and imagination will help to carry out everything according to plan. In any event, logistics must always be carefully planned, and it is necessary a flawless coordination among all teams to solve any possible issues quickly and efficiently.