Why social media must be active during summer

The use of mobile internet never stops to increase. Smartphones are the most popular devices when it comes to summer connection (89%), followed by the use of tablets (28%). In summer, people still check their mobiles widely, and therefore they are considered an essential tool also during the holiday period.

During this season of the year, social media post and share nearly double that other seasons. These networkings have increase the possibility of sharing with our audience all type of files (video, photos, audio…) in an immediate, easy way. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are ‘the-big-three’ social media. When sharing their contents, users favorite categories are: Family and friends (32%), Outdoor activities (13%), Food and restaurants (13%), Travel (11%), Leisure (9%), and Fashion (9%).

Companies do not lower their guard during this period, being the perfect time to brush up some communication areas such as blogs. During their holidays, users continue analyzing the brands’ performance and duplicate their internet actions as they have more free time. This is why it is very important to continue with the social media activity, which in turn will lead to increase the website traffic and to improve the search engine positioning.

Brands use summer months to leverage their position by communicating on social media all kinds of promotions and offers for their products and services, while launching new seasonal products. This is why it is important to maintain the corporate quality standards and update our profiles to not lower the potential of our social media strategy.

Social media never stop, summer cannot be an excuse.