Ready to use influencers in your brand event?

The influence of celebrities on society was widely known before the arrival of internet and social media. Most of the brands’ marketing departments had their portfolio of famous names and invited them to endow events – and brand- with extra publicity, impact, and trustability.

With the rise of social media and the vortex resulting from it, these public figures have been losing some degree of credibility and new essential profiles had arisen in all types of events: the influencers. More and more companies look for this type of profile when it comes to promoting any product or service, since they have realized the benefits influencers bring to the brand.

What are the advantages?
– Visibility and positioning. When dealing with personalities of enough influence, their followers perceive the information displayed in a positive way.
– Increase of community growth in social media. They generate interest and increase the community of social profiles with new followers.
– Event follow-up. We will achieve greater publicity and best monitoring of the event.
– Sales increase. All actions reflect in an increase of product or services sales.

Micro or macro influencers?
Include micro influencers will generate impact and viralization, media posting, get your audience to attend the event and, if they have a great number of followers, the brand gets a high reach.

However, if the strategy focuses on positioning, we should look for a more influential profile, the macro influencer.