Advertising trends to incorporate into your 2019 communication strategy

Technological boom continues to lead the advertising field, as part of the trends for 2019. A year that begins to emerge as a promising period for advertising, with new technologies, updated strategies, and a growing industry.

Among the newest trends, marketing automation clearly stands out. Marketing agencies are beginning to make an increasing use of artificial intelligence in their daily operations, which allows them to have a constant, precise, and up-to-date image of their target audience. In addition, it will also allow to monitor the performance of advertising campaigns.

Video content and native marketing will combine to fuse advertising content and images, and video ads will not show a recognizable format to be identified.

Augmented reality will gain momentum in advertising campaigns, offering consumers the chance to fully immersive experiences. The voice technology will facilitate people with physical difficulties with better interaction with their devices.

Live events and video content aimed to go viral on social media will yield brand visibility, and influencers will increase their booming marketing niche. Both agencies and brands will continue to incorporate these essentials into their advertising campaigns to promote products or services, trying to persuade their followers.

However, strategies including these trends should also be focused on solving the needs of consumers who, year after year, like advertising also experience a constant evolution, both in terms of how they communicate with the brand, the way they acquire products and services, or the channel they use to do it.

Trends that will impact consumers and therefore brands and agencies must include in their advertising strategies are social media, as communication channels for brands to send messages to their users, with an innovative format and content, featuring social listening and social commerce actions.

A correct segmentation to take the message to the right audience in the right moment, and through the right platform will be crucial. This way, brands could have information and data from users, and thus use more precise, innovative strategies.