Brands: Opportunity vs Opportunism

Advertisers rarely limited to an advertising piece for television, press, radio, or the internet today. And it is because brands want consumers to empathize with them and, fortunately, those who draw up a good strategy manage to connect with us. This is our core role as professionals.

The theory is known by all or at a few clicks away, but hiring the latest it influencer to showcase our product or to be part of all the causes can be either the greatest good a idea or the biggest mistake. Therefore, everything a brand does must start from a deep analysis, a strategy that responds to well-established objectives, and a constant monitoring of how our target reacts to our messages or to our new prescribers.

Therefore, taking advantage of trends, current affairs, and key industry dates seems to be something useful and recommended, but we must be very clear about our brand voice and also what we want to achieve by joining certain trends. If not, instead of adding, we will devalue our brand.

Surely we all remember brands that began to annoy us after using a certain face in a recurring way in their communications. And, those of us who are devoted to this industry have clear examples of companies who have managed to turn their narrative and position themselves iin a favorable way in the consumer’s mind.

As an example, imagine that a car brand decides to celebrate World Environment Day. Imagine that just looking for likes annoys thoushands of people on thew social media, and a concious influencer –those followed by even million followers- shares real and not favorable data on the harmful emissions of this brand’s vehicles. Sometimes it is better to be quiet.

The same applies to influencers and celebrities. Not all what glitters is gold, and not everything increasing our visibility will translate into engagement, sales, or brand positioning.

Social media are a brand’s spokesperson, its ambassador, and speaker of the values and virtues of the service or product; and everything that surrounds a logo, from its corporate application, to the messages it shares, configures its identity. But careful here: not everything goes, and what works for your competition can be a communication mistake for you.

Know your audience, audit your collaborations, and be true to your brand values and company mision. This is the only way to get an efficient communication able to connect with your audience and attract more potential customers.

We cannot forget to train our team, as the best of the community managers or the boldest PR cannot take for granted anything that a priori is supposed to be successful, and be fully opposed to the values of the brand. Survey all active agents surrounding your brand and ensure they understand it, especially those who are going to have the responsibility to put on it a voice and face, as they are the first ones who should to empathize with our brand.

The conclusion is simple: take advantage of the moments and milestones that are likely to benefit your brand, but never launch dissonant messages. Because in a market full of options, the consumer increasingly separates the sheep from the goats.